Saturday, April 30, 2011

Retroperitoneal fibrosis

1. Causes of Retroperitoneal Fibrosis

a) Idiopathic in 2/3rd of cases

b) Use of drugs-- Methysergide, Ergot derivatives

c) Retroperitoneal hemorrhage, Urinary Extravasation

d) Trauma

e) Inflamatory bowel disease, Collagen disease

2. Symptoms

a) Pain with girdle like distribution, Pain relieved by NSAIDs and not narcotics

b) Uremia occurs late

Friday, April 29, 2011

Benign Enlargement Prostate

1.Most Common Cause of Lower Urinary tract symptoms- BEP

2. Tamsulosin works on alpha1 receptor

3. Newer Modalities like Microwave resection should not be used if prostate size is more than 100g

4. Rule out B/L Hydronephrosis if a person with BEP (Benign Enlargement of Prostate ) develops increased levels of serum creatinine

5. Methods to stop unidentified bleeding during TURP ( Transuretheral Resection of Prostate)

a) Check the other side of prostate capsule

b) Check Bladder neck

c) Fill the bladder